55319AC : HTML5 and CSS

Duration : 5 Days (40 Hours)

55319AC : HTML5 and CSS Course Overview:

This five day HTML5 and CSS course is an in depth hands-on study of HTML5, CSS3 and modern web and mobile development. The course includes detailed hands-on labs and Q&A labs. The labs include multiple projects, including one beginning to end web site.

Audience Profile

This class is targeted towards the professional developer new to HTML, self-taught HTML developers, graphics designers and those new to HTML development.

At Course Completion

  • Create HTML5 compliant web pages.
  • Test and validate HTML and CSS code.
  • Create CSS for style pages.
  • Work with experimental vendor prefixes.
  • Work with fonts and CSS font effects.
  • Work with color and color tools.
  • Layout pages and content using DIVs, iFrames and Tables.
  • Add and format images and CSS sprites.
  • Create HTML5 forms.
  • Embed and manage video and audio content.

Module 1: A Brief History of HTML and the Web

This module introduces HTML and CSS and the tools used to create web pages. It also covers many of those annoying little issues that you need to know about before creating modern web pages


  • Welcome!
  • History
  • Details, Details, Details…
  • The Life of a Web Page
  • HTTP Status Codes Definitions
  • Most Important Things to Know as a Web Developer

Lab 1: Getting Started with HTML

  • Q&A quiz
  • Exercise 1 – Create a web page
  • Exercise 2 – Explore Visual Studio Options
  • Exercise 3 – Experimenting with tags
  • Lab Solution

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe the history and use of HTML and CSS.
  • The life cycle of a page request and how the web server and web browser interact.
  • How to create a new web project in Visual Studio

This module covers the use of HTML editors, page creation, core HTML tags and HTML validation.


  • HTML and CSS Editors
  • Text, Spaces and Tabs
  • Working with Tags
  • Attributes
  • Comments
  • Non-Standard Tags
  • Every Page Includes…
  • File Extensions
  • Core Page Elements
  • Nesting
  • Testing HTML
  • HTML and Text

Lab 1: Core HTML Elements

  • Q&A quiz
  • Exercise 1 – Creating and Validating a Page
  • Exercise 2 – Browser tools
  • Exercise 3 – Add a Copyright Message
  • Exercise 4 – Create a Style Sheet
  • Lab Solution

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Use HTML editors to create web pages.
  • Use core HTML tags.
  • Create CSS style sheets.
  • Validate HTML using validators and browser tools.

Although CSS is covered throughout this course and is introduced and used with related HTML tags, this module explores the core CSS features including selectors, CSS units and the CSS Box Model.


  • Before CSS
  • With CSS
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • Adding CSS to a Page
  • Order of CSS Processing
  • Experimental Vendor Prefixes
  • CSS Units
  • The CSS Box Mode

Lab 1: Cascading Style Sheets

  • Q&A quiz
  • Exercise 1 – Creating and Validating a Page
  • Exercise 2 – CSS Box Model – Customize the Header
  • Exercise 3 – CSS Box Model – Adding Navigation Tabs
  • Exercise 4 – Working with a Pseudo Class
  • Exercise 5 – Validate Your Code
  • Lab Solution

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Add CSS to pages.
  • Create and use CSS selectors.
  • Understand the CSS unit system.
  • Work with the CSS Box Model.
  • Use CSS to create shapes and symbols.

This module explores the use of fonts and lists.


  • Fonts
  • CSS for Text
  • CSS Text Ticks!
  • Working with Lists
  • Upgrading and to Windows 7

Lab 1: Fonts and Text

  • Q&A quiz
  • Exercise 1 – Selecting Fonts
  • Exercise 2 – Validate Your Code
  • Lab Solutio

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe how fonts are used and selected in HTML and CSS.
  • Apply CSS to fonts.
  • Use CSS to create shadows and rotated text.
  • Create and format text lists.

In this module we will explore how colors are used and applied in HTML and CSS to HTML tags, fonts and backgrounds.


  • Specifying Colors
  • Applying Colors
  • Gradients

Lab 1: Colors and Backgrounds

  • Q&A quiz
  • Exercise 1 – Working with Color
  • Exercise 2 – Gradients
  • Lab Solution

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Define colors using RGB and other systems.
  • Apply colors to HTML elements using CSS.
  • Work with CSS gradients.

The “H” of HTML refers the ability to link from one document to another. In this module we will work with the anchor tag and buttons to build hyperlinked documents.


  • and CSS
  • Hyperlinks with Images and Other Objects
  • Buttons

Lab 1: Anchors and Hyperlinks

  • Q&A quiz
  • Exercise 1 – Add links to other pages
  • Exercise 2 – External Links
  • Exercise 3 – Image Links
  • Lab Solution

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Create hyperlinks to internal and external targets.

In this module we will look at HTML’s options to control where and how content is arranged on a page. We will look at both the HTML tags and what can be done using CSS.


  • Page Layout Options
  • Tables for Data
  • DIVs
  • Float
  • SPAN
  • HTML 5 DIV-like Tags

Lab 1: Page Layouts

  • Q&A quiz
  • Exercise 1 – Float Images
  • Exercise 2 – Float DIVs
  • Exercise 3 – Exploring the Power of CSS Style Sheets
  • Lab Solution

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Choose the best options for laying out pages and contents.
  • Work with CSS and DIVs to layout content.
  • Work with the new HTML5 contextual tags.
  • Build and format tables of data.

This module explores working with image in HTML pages. We will explore file types, file sizes, compression, background images, CSS sprites and best practices.


  • Favicon
  • Preparing Images
  • Image Files
  • The IMG Tag
  • Background Images
  • Image Best Practices
  • CSS Sprites

Lab 1: Images

  • Q&A quiz
  • Exercise 1 – Add a Background to a Page
  • Exercise 2 – Add a Background Image to a DIV
  • Lab Solution

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Choose the best file format for an image.
  • Insert, size and format an image.
  • Use background images.
  • Work with CSS sprites.
  • Understand the best practices for working with images in web pages.

In this module we will be exploring the HTML tags to create, style and validate web forms.


  • A Basic Form
  • POST vs. GET
  • name vs. id
  • Basic Form Elements
  • Basic Form Attribute
  • Select
  • Uploading Files
  • HTML 5 Form Enhancements
  • DataList

Lab 1: HTML Forms

  • Q&A quiz
  • Exercise 1 – Build a Simple Form
  • Lab Solution

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Create HTML forms.
  • Choose the best method, POST or GET for the form.
  • Work with form elements to upload files.
  • Work with the new HTML5 form elements and browser compatibility.
  • Create a Data List.

This module explores the addition of video and audio to web pages.


  • Video and Audio
  • HTML 5 Video
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Audio
  • Hosting Videos in the Cloud
  • Working with Animated GIFs

Lab 1: Adding Videos to a Page

  • Q&A quiz
  • Exercise 1 – Add a Video to a Page
  • Exercise 2 – Add a YouTube Video to a Page (optional)
  • Lab Solution

After completing this module, students will be able to:

  • Understand the issues and limitations when working with videos across multiple browsers.
  • Use the HTML5 tabs to add video and audio to a page.
  • How to plan for “fallback” to support browser and device compatibility issues.
  • The use of animated GIFs.

HTML5 and CSS Course Prerequisites:

While any background in HTML or development is a plus, all you need are basic PC skills and a desire to learn web development.

Q: What is 55319AC: HTML5 and CSS Training?

A: 55319AC is a comprehensive training course that focuses on HTML5 and CSS, two fundamental technologies used in web development. This course provides participants with the knowledge and skills to create modern, responsive, and visually appealing websites using HTML5 and CSS.

A: This course is ideal for beginners and aspiring web developers who want to learn HTML5 and CSS from scratch. It is also beneficial for professionals who want to upgrade their web development skills or individuals looking to create their own websites.

A: No prior knowledge of HTML or CSS is required to enroll in this course. Basic computer skills and familiarity with using the internet and web browsers are recommended.

A: The course covers a wide range of topics, including HTML5 syntax and structure, CSS styling and layout techniques, responsive web design principles, working with multimedia elements, forms and input validation, and an introduction to JavaScript for interactivity.

A: The course is typically instructor-led and combines lectures, hands-on exercises, demonstrations, and discussions. Participants will have access to course materials and practical exercises to reinforce their learning.

A: While this course does not directly provide a certification, it equips participants with the essential skills and knowledge required for HTML5 and CSS web development. It lays a solid foundation for individuals who may want to pursue certifications such as the Microsoft Certified: HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

A: Yes, this course is available in both online and traditional classroom formats. Online courses offer flexibility, allowing participants to learn at their own pace and convenience.

A: By completing this course, participants will gain a strong understanding of HTML5 and CSS, enabling them to create well-structured and visually appealing websites. This knowledge is essential for anyone involved in web development or aspiring to become a web developer.

A: Absolutely! HTML5 and CSS are foundational technologies used in web development across various frameworks and platforms. The skills learned in this course will be applicable to other web development frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js.

A: After completing this course, participants can explore more advanced web development topics, such as JavaScript programming, front-end frameworks, or back-end development. There are specialized courses available for these areas, which can further enhance your web development skills and expand your career opportunities.

Discover the perfect fit for your learning journey

Choose Learning Modality

Live Online

  • Convenience
  • Cost-effective
  • Self-paced learning
  • Scalability


  • Interaction and collaboration
  • Networking opportunities
  • Real-time feedback
  • Personal attention


  • Familiar environment
  • Confidentiality
  • Team building
  • Immediate application

Training Exclusives

This course comes with following benefits:

  • Practice Labs.
  • Get Trained by Microsoft Certified Trainers (MCT).
  • Access to the recordings of your class sessions for 90 days.
  • Digital courseware
  • Experience 24*7 learner support.

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