Java EE 6: Develop Web Components with Servlets & JSPs

Duration : 5 Days (40 Hours)

Java EE 6: Develop Web Components with Servlets & JSPs Course Overview:

The Java EE 6: Develop Web Components with Servlets & JSPs course is designed for experienced Java application developers who are already proficient in working with Java technology. During this training, participants will acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to efficiently create web applications for any Java EE 6 application server utilizing JSP (JavaServer Pages) and Servlet technology.

Intended Audience:

  1. Experienced Java application developers.
  2. Java developers comfortable with Java technology.
  3. Participants seeking to learn how to create web applications using JSP and Servlet technology for Java EE 6 application servers.

Learning Objectives of Java EE 6: Develop Web Components with Servlets & JSPs:

  • Creating and deploying small or medium scale web applications on intranet and low volume commercial sites using Servlets and JSP (Java Server Page) technology.
  • Apply MVC architecture (Model-View-Controller) in EE environment to Java projects.
  • Creating Servlet listeners and filters.
  • Understanding and managing HTTP sessions for web applications.
  • Creating JSP pages that are easy to maintain using JSTL (JSP Standard Tag Library) and Expression Language.
  • Analyzing, developing, designing, and deploying web applications using Java EE 6 SDK and Oracle WebLogic Server 12 C application server.
  • Reviewing the Java SE and Java EE Curriculum
  • Getting Acquainted with Other Students
  • Reviewing Course Objectives
  • Discussing 5 Day Course Schedule
  • Describing the Format that the Class will Use
  • Introducing Web Application Technologies
  • Describing the Java EE 6 Web Profile
  • Describing Java Servlet Technology
  • Describing JavaServer Pages Technology
  • Understanting the Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture
  • Explaining Java EE Containers and Java Application Servers
  • Describing the Web Application Development Process
  • Identifying the Essential Structure of a WAR File
  • Describing the HTTP Headers and Their Function
  • Explaining the Request and Response Processes
  • Understanding the Life Cycle of a Servlet
  • Listing Injection and Lifecycle Method Annotations
  • Understanding the Threading Model of a Servlet
  • Developing a Servlet to Respond to Requests from the Client Browser
  • Using HTML Forms To Collect Data From Users and Send it To a Servlet
  • Understanding How Form Data Is Sent in an HTTP Request
  • Developing a Servlet that Retrieves Form Parameters
  • Understanding and Using HttpSession Objects
  • Using Cookies for Session Management
  • Using URL Rewriting for Session Management
  • Describing the Purpose of Deployment Descriptors
  • Creating Servlet Mappings to Allow Invocation of a Servlet
  • Creating and Access Context and Init Parameters
  • Using the @WebServlet and @WebInitParam Annotations
  • Using the ServletContextListener Interface
  • Describing the Different Scopes in a Web Application
  • Handling Errors Using a Deployment Descriptor
  • Implementing the Controller Design Element Using a Servlet
  • Implementing the Model Design Element Using a POJO
  • Implementing the View Design Element Using a JSP and Expression Language (EL)
  • Connecting the model, View, and Controller Elements to Implement a Working MVC Solution
  • Injecting a Service in a Controller
  • Describing JSP Page Technology
  • Writing JSP Code Using Scripting Elements
  • Writing JSP Code Using the Page Directive
  • Writing JSP Code Using Standard Tags
  • Writing JSP code using Expression Language
  • Configuring the JSP Page Environment in the web.xml File
  • Writing an Error Page by Using JSP
  • Designing JSP Pages with Custom Tag Libraries
  • Using a Custom Tag Library in JSP Pages
  • Describing JSTL Tags
  • Describing the Web Container Request Cycle
  • Describing the Filter API
  • Developing a Filter Class
  • Configuring a Filter in the web.xml File
  • Using the Asynchronous Servlet Mechanism
  • Using JavaScript to Send an HTTP Request from a Client
  • Processing an HTTP Response Entirely in JavaScript
  • Combining These Techniques to Create the Effect of Server-push
  • Handling Multipart Form Data
  • Describing a Common Failure Mode in Security
  • Requiring that a User Log in Before Accessing Specific Pages in Your Web Application
  • Describing the Java EE Security Model
  • Requiring SSL Encrypted Communication for Certain URLs or Servlets
  • Understanding the Nature of the Model as a Macro-pattern
  • Implementing Persistent Storage for Your Web Applications Using JDBC or Java Persistence API

Java EE 6: Develop Web Components with Servlets & JSPs Course Prerequisites:

  • Basic Computer Knowledge.

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Live Online

  • Convenience
  • Cost-effective
  • Self-paced learning
  • Scalability


  • Interaction and collaboration
  • Networking opportunities
  • Real-time feedback
  • Personal attention


  • Familiar environment
  • Confidentiality
  • Team building
  • Immediate application

Training Exclusives

This course comes with following benefits:

  • Practice Labs.
  • Get Trained by Certified Trainers.
  • Access to the recordings of your class sessions for 90 days.
  • Digital courseware
  • Experience 24*7 learner support.

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