Java SE 11: Programming Complete

Duration : 5 Days (40 Hours)

Java SE 11: Programming Complete Course Overview:

The Java SE 11: Programming Complete certification is a vital acknowledgment for Java-focused software developers. It verifies advanced proficiency in creating applications using Java SE 11, a platform-independent and object-oriented programming tool widely adopted by industries. The certification assesses comprehensive skills encompassing Java language syntax, library utilization, exception handling, powerful API data manipulation, and modular application development. It empowers professionals to stay competitive and assures organizations of their staff’s technical competence in utilizing Java SE 11’s advanced features.

Intended Audience:

  • New learners interested in programming languages
  • Experienced programmers wanting to upgrade their skills
  • IT professionals seeking knowledge in Java SE 11
  • Computer science students aiming to enhance their coding capacities
  • Individuals preparing for Java certification exams

Learning Objectives of Java SE 11: Programming Complete:

The Learning Objectives of a Java SE 11: Programming Complete course encompass comprehending the foundational functionality and syntax of the Java language. Students will acquire the skills to develop, debug, and execute Java programs while grasping the principles of object-oriented programming through Java. They will gain familiarity with default interface methods, Lambda expressions, and the Stream API. The course also covers error and exception handling, along with effective file management using Java. Additionally, participants will learn database operation management using Java and adeptly implement I/O operations. The course culminates in hands-on proficiency in modular programming within the Java Platform Module System.

 Module 1: Introduction to Java

  • Course Goals
  • Audience
  • Course Schedule
  • Course Practices
  • Lesson Objectives What Is Java?
  • How Java Works?
  • Classes
  • Objects
  • Inheritance
  • Java APIs
  • Java Keywords, Reserved Words, and a Special Identifier
  • Java Naming Conventions
  • Java Basic Syntax Rules
  • Define Java Class
  • Access Classes Across Packages
  • Use Access Modifiers
  • Create Main Application Class
  • Compile Java Program
  • Execute Java Program
  • Comments and Documentation
  • Summary
  • Practices

 Module 2: Primitive Types, Operators, and Flow Control Statements

  • Ternary Operator
  • Flow Control Using switch Construct
  • JShell
  • Summary
  • Practices
  • Objectives
  • Declare and Initialize Primitive Variables
  • Restrictions on Primitive Declarations and Initializations
  • Java Operators
  • Assignment and Arithmetic Operators
  • Arithmetic Operations and Type Casting
  • More Mathematical Operations
  • Binary Number Representation
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Equality, Relational, and Conditional Operators
  • Short-Circuit Evaluation
  • Flow Control Using if/else Construct

 Module 3: Text, Date, Time, and Numeric Objects

  • Objectives
  • String Initialization
  • String Operations
  • String Indexing
  • StringBuilder: Introduction
  • Wrapper Classes for Primitives
  • Representing Numbers Using BigDecimal Class
  • Method Chaining
  • Local Date and Time
  • More Local Date and Time Operations
  • Instants, Durations, and Periods
  • Zoned Date and Time
  • Represent Languages and Countries
  • Format and Parse Numeric Values
  • Format and Parse Date and Time Values
  • Localizable Resources
  • Format Message Patterns
  • Formatting and Localization: Example
  • Summary
  • Practices

 Module 4: Classes and Objects

  • Objectives
  • UML: Introduction
  • Modeling Classes
  • Modeling Interactions and Activities
  • Designing Classes
  • Creating Objects
  • Define Instance Variables
  • Define Instance Methods
  • Object Creation and Access: Example
  • Local Variables and Recursive Object Reference
  • Local Variable Type Inference
  • Define Constants
  • Static Context
  • Accessing Static Context
  • Combining Static and Final
  • Other Static Context Use Cases
  • NetBeans IDE: Introduction
  • Summary
  • Practices

 Module 5: Improved Class Design

  • Objectives
  • Overload Methods
  • Variable Number of Arguments
  • Define Constructors
  • Reuse Constructors
  • Access Modifiers Summary
  • Define Encapsulation
  • Define Immutability
  • Constants and Immutability
  • Enumerations
  • Complex Enumerations
  • Java Memory Allocation
  • Parameter Passing
  • Java Memory Cleanup
  • Summary
  • Practices

 Module 6: Inheritance

  • Objectives
  • Extend Classes
  • Object Class
  • Reuse Parent Class Code Through Inheritance
  • Instantiating Classes and Accessing Objects
  • Rules of Reference Type Casting
  • Verify Object Type Before Casting the Reference
  • Reference Code Within the Current or Parent Object
  • Define Subclass Constructors
  • Class and Object Initialization Summary
  • Override Methods and Use Polymorphism
  • Reuse Parent Class Logic in Overwritten Method
  • Define Abstract Classes and Methods
  • Define Final Classes and Methods
  • Override Object Class Operations: toString
  • Override Object Class Operations: equals
  • Override Object Class Operations: hashCode
  • Compare String Objects
  • Factory Method Pattern
  • Summary
  • Practices

 Module 7: Interfaces

  • Objectives
  • Java Interfaces
  • Multiple Inheritance Problem
  • Implement Interfaces
  • Default, Private, and Static Methods in Interfaces
  • Interface Hierarchy
  • Interface Is a Type
  • Functional Interfaces
  • Generics
  • Use Generics
  • Examples of Java Interfaces: java.lang.Comparable
  • Examples of Java Interfaces: java.util.Comparator
  • Examples of Java Interfaces: java.lang.Cloneable
  • Composition Pattern
  • Summary
  • Practices

 Module 8: Arrays and Loops

  • Objectives
  • Arrays
  • Combined Declaration, Creation, and Initialization of Arrays
  • Multidimensional Arrays
  • Copying Array Content
  • Arrays Class
  • Loops
  • Processing Arrays by Using Loops
  • Complex for Loops
  • Embedded Loops
  • Break and Continue
  • Summary
  • Practices

 Module 9: Collections

  • Introduction to Java Collection API
  • Java Collection API Interfaces and Implementation Classes
  • Create List Object
  • Manage List Contents
  • Create Set Object
  • Manage Set Contents
  • Create Deque Object
  • Manage Deque Contents
  • Create HashMap Object
  • Manage HashMap Contents
  • Iterate through Collections
  • Other Collection Behaviors
  • Use java.util.Collections Class
  • Access Collections Concurrently
  • Prevent Collections Corruption
  • Legacy Collection Classes
  • Summary
  • Practices

 Module 10: Nested Classes and Lambda Expressions

  • Objectives
  • Types of Nested Classes
  • Static Nested Classes
  • Member Inner Classes
  • Local Inner Classes
  • Anonymous Inner Classes
  • Anonymous Inner Classes and Functional Interfaces
  • Understand Lambda Expressions
  • Define Lambda Expression Parameters and Body
  • Use Method References
  • Default and Static Methods in Functional Interfaces
  • Use Default and Static Methods of the Comparator Interface
  • Use Default and Static Methods of the Predicate Interface
  • Summary
  • Practices

 Module 11: Java Streams API

 Module 12: Handle Exceptions and Fix Bugs

 Module 13: Java IO API

 Module 14: Java Concurrency and Multithreading

 Module 15: Java Modules

Java SE 11: Programming Complete Course Prerequisites:

• Basic computer literacy and familiarity with using an operating system.
• Understanding of fundamental programming concepts, like variables, loops, and conditionals.
• Knowledge of object-oriented programming principles.
• Prior experience with any programming language; proficiency in Java is ideal.
• Awareness of data structures, such as arrays and linked lists.
• Familiarity with Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

Discover the perfect fit for your learning journey

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Live Online

  • Convenience
  • Cost-effective
  • Self-paced learning
  • Scalability


  • Interaction and collaboration
  • Networking opportunities
  • Real-time feedback
  • Personal attention


  • Familiar environment
  • Confidentiality
  • Team building
  • Immediate application

Training Exclusives

This course comes with following benefits:

  • Practice Labs.
  • Get Trained by Certified Trainers.
  • Access to the recordings of your class sessions for 90 days.
  • Digital courseware
  • Experience 24*7 learner support.

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