Postgresql Plus Advanced Server

Duration : 5 Days (40 Hours)

Postgresql Plus Advanced Server Course Overview:

The PostgreSQL Plus Advanced Server certification validates expertise in the PostgreSQL Advanced Server database management system. It confirms a professional’s ability to efficiently implement and manage this database system. This certification is widely used across industries to assess IT professionals’ proficiency in critical areas such as data management, backups, security, and performance tuning. It covers advanced PostgreSQL capabilities, ensuring professionals possess skills in SQL compatibility, performance optimization, scalability, and more. This certification is essential for industries heavily reliant on data management, demanding high reliability and performance in their operations.

Intended Audience:

• Database administrators seeking advanced understanding of Postgresql
• Experienced IT professionals exploring database management
• Software engineers intending to enhance their database skills
• Businesses aiming to optimize their Postgresql database performance
• IT students striving for in-depth knowledge in Postgresql advanced server.

Learning Objectives of Postgresql Plus Advanced Server:

The primary learning objectives of the PostgreSQL Plus Advanced Server course are as follows:

  1. In-Depth Understanding: Provide students with advanced knowledge and practical skills required for the effective operation, management, and troubleshooting of PostgreSQL Plus Advanced Server.
  2. Architectural Insight: Ensure learners comprehend the architecture and internal processes of PostgreSQL Plus Advanced Server, enabling them to work more efficiently within this environment.
  3. Server Configuration and Control: Enable students to configure and control server operations, including advanced settings and optimizations.
  4. Advanced Backup and Recovery: Instruct students on performing advanced backup and recovery procedures, ensuring data integrity and availability.
  5. Performance Tuning: Teach students how to fine-tune the server to achieve optimal performance, enhancing its responsiveness and efficiency.
  6. Data Management and Security: Equip students with skills to manage and secure data effectively within PostgreSQL Plus Advanced Server, safeguarding against potential threats.
  7. Replication and High Availability: Provide insights into replication and high availability solutions, allowing students to implement robust data redundancy and system availability measures.

By the conclusion of this course, students will be proficient in handling complex tasks related to PostgreSQL Plus server operations, enabling them to excel in their work environments.

 Module 1: Introduction

  • History of PostgreSQL
  • Major Features
  • New Features of PostgreSQL
  • Multi Version Concurrency Control
  • Write-Ahead Logging
  • Architectural Overview
  • Limits

 Module 2: PostgreSQL System Architecture

  • Architectural Summary
  • Shared Memory
  • Statement Processing
  • Utility Processes
  • Disk Read Buffering
  • Write Buffering
  • Background Writer Cleaning Scan
  • Commit & Checkpoint
  • Physical Database Architecture
  • Data Directory Layout
  • Installation Directory Layout
  • Page Layout

 Module 3: Installation

  • OS User & Permissions
  • Installation
  • Setting environment variables
  • Clusters
  • Creating a database cluster
  • Starting and Stopping the Server
  • (pg_ctl)
  • Connect to the server using psql

 Module 4: Configuration

  • Setting PostgreSQL Parameters
  • Access Contro
  • Connection Settings
  • Security and Authentication
  • Settings
  • Memory Settings
  • Query Planner Settings
  • WAL Settings
  • Log Management
  • Background Writer Settings
  • Statement Behavior
  • Vacuum Cost Settings
  • Autovacuum Settings

 Module 5: Creating and Managing Databases

  • Object Hierarchy
  • Creating Databases
  • Creating Schemas
  • Schema Search Path
  • Roles, Users & Groups
  • Access Control

 Module 6: Postgres Data Dictionary

  • The System Catalog Schema
  • System Information views/tables
  • System Information Functions

 Module 7: Introduction to PSQL

  • Introduction
  • Conventions
  • Connecting to PostgreSQL
  • PSQL Command Line Parameters
  • Entering PSQL Commands
  • PSQL Meta-Commands
  • PSQL SET Parameters
  • Information Commands

 Module 8: pgAdmin III

  • Registering a server
  • Viewing and Editing Data
  • Query Tool
  • Databases
  • Languages
  • Schemas
  • Domains
  • Functions
  • Sequences
  • Tables
  • Columns
  • Constraints
  • Indexes
  • Maintenance
  • Rules
  • Triggers
  • Types
  • Views
  • Table spaces
  • Roles

 Module 9: Security Basics

  • Authentication
  • Authorization
  • Levels of security
  • pg_hba.conf file
  • Users
  • Object ownership
  • Access control
  • Application access parameters

 Module 10: SQL

  • Data Types
  • Tables
  • SQL Queries
  • Quoting
  • Using SQL Functions
  • Constraints
  • Dropping or Removing Database
  • Objects
  • Views
  • Sequences
  • Indexes

 Module 11: Backup and Recovery & Point-in Time Recovery

  • Backup Types
  • SQL Dump
  • Cluster Dump
  • Offline Copy Backup
  • Continuous Archiving
  • pg_basebackup
  • Point-In Time Recovery
  • pg_upgrade

 Module 12: Routine Maintenance

  • Explain and Explain Analyze
  • Table Statistics
  • Updating Planner Statistics
  • Scheduling Auto Vacuum
  • Preventing Transaction ID Wraparound Failures
  • The Visibility Map
  • Routine Reindexing

 Module 13: PostgreSQL API Connectivity

  • Installing Third-Party Drivers
  • Installation & Configuration of JDBC & ODBC Drivers

 Module 14: Transactions and Concurrency

  • Transaction Definition
  • Effects of Concurrency on
  • Transactions
  • Transaction Isolation Levels
  • Multi-Version Concurrency Control
  • Overview (MVCC)
  • MVCC Example
  • Internal Identifiers
  • Transaction Wraparound
  • MVCC Maintenance
  • MVCC Demo

 Module 15: Performance Tuning

  • Hardware Configuration
  • OS Configuration
  • Server Parameter Tuning
  • Connection Settings
  • Memory Parameters
  • Memory settings for Planner
  • WAL Parameters
  • Explain Plan
  • Explain Example
  • Statistics Collection
  • Indexes
  • Examining Index Usage
  • Tips for Inserting Large Amount of Data
  • Some Notes About pg_dump Non-Durable Settings
  • Labs

 Module 16: Replication & Failover

  • Database High Availability
  • Causes of Data Loss
  • Plan for Common Errors
  • Selection Criteria
  • High Availability Options
  • Hot Streaming Replication, Architecture and Setup
  • Streaming Replication Example

 Module 17: Table Partitioning

  • Partitioning
  • Partitioning Methods
  • When to Partition
  • Partitioning Setup
  • Partitioning Example
  • Partitioning and Constraint
  • Exclusion
  • Caveats
  • Lab

 Module 18: Connection Pooling

  • Pgpool-II
  • Pgpool-II Features
  • Install and Configure pgpool-II
  • Pgpool II Modes
  • Starting/Stopping pgpool-II
  • Pgpool-II Example

 Module 19: Database Monitoring

  • Database Statistics
  • The Statistics Collector
  • Database Statistic Tables
  • Operating System Process Monitoring
  • Current Sessions and Locks
  • Log Slow Running Queries
  • Disk Usage

 Module 20: EDB Tools

  • EDB MTK Oracle to PostgreSQL
  • Enterprise Failover Manager
  • XDB Replication
  • BART

Postgresql Plus Advanced Server Course Prerequisites:

• Basic understanding of SQL database management
• Familiarity with Postgres implementation and usage
• Knowledge of database design and system performance optimization
• Prior experience in creating and managing databases
• Proficiency in backup strategies, partitioning, and security aspects
• Understanding of SQL, PL/pgSQL, triggers & stored procedures.

Discover the perfect fit for your learning journey

Choose Learning Modality

Live Online

  • Convenience
  • Cost-effective
  • Self-paced learning
  • Scalability


  • Interaction and collaboration
  • Networking opportunities
  • Real-time feedback
  • Personal attention


  • Familiar environment
  • Confidentiality
  • Team building
  • Immediate application

Training Exclusives

This course comes with following benefits:

  • Practice Labs.
  • Get Trained by Certified Trainers.
  • Access to the recordings of your class sessions for 90 days.
  • Digital courseware
  • Experience 24*7 learner support.

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