
Python Security Course Overview

The Python Security certification is designed to validate a programmer’s proficiency in developing secure applications using the Python language. It focuses on Python security practices, secure coding standards, and the ability to identify potential security flaws. This certification demonstrates an individual’s competency in coding against cybersecurity threats and ensuring the security of Python-based applications. Industries utilize this certification to identify professionals capable of programming not only for functionality but also for security. It involves understanding secure data handling, CSRF & XSS prevention, coding against SQL injections, and effectively using Python’s secure coding tools and libraries. Ultimately, this certification contributes to creating safer web environments and strengthening defenses against potential cyber threats.

Course Introduction


USD 900


24 Hrs.

Python Developers Web Developers Cybersecurity Professionals Software Engineers Web Application Security Analysts Information Security Managers Web Development Managers IT Professionals Cybersecurity Auditors Technology Enthusiasts Familiarize learners with potential security vulnerabilities in Python coding. Help learners build secure programs by understanding common security threats and methods to prevent or mitigate them. Teach learners to identify insecure code and refactor it to maintain system security. Cover critical areas of Python security, such as preventing SQL injection, code injection, header injection, and cross-site scripting. Highlight the importance of secure coding standards and Python security libraries. Provide skills to handle Python security aspects, including encryption, hashing, digital signatures, key exchanges, and multi-factor authentication.
Basic understanding of Python language Familiarity with Python data structures and variables Knowledge of programming concepts Comfortable with the concepts of loops, conditions, and functions in Python Basic understanding of cybersecurity concepts Prior experience of coding in Python.

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